Professional of the Year - Wellness/Nutrition and Cancer Care

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Jeanie Traub

Title: Naturopathic Doctor
Industry: Wellness
Type of Organization: Private Practice
Major Product/Service: Patient care; Health consulting
Expertise: With over 22 years of experience, Dr, Traub is responsible for helping cancer patients with healing through naturopathic means, health and nutrition. She utilizes orthomolecular medicine to assisst her patients. She consults regarding nutrition and preventative care. Dr. Traub is an ordained minister, teacher, author, and speaker.
Geographic Area of Distribution: International
University/Degree: N.D., Trinity School of Natural Health
Hobbies/Sports: Visiting the mountains, travel, skiing, family activities, going to the beach, eating at unique restaurants, spending time with friends
Children: 4 children; 9 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren
Published Works: 3 books, "The Perfect Romance," "Creating Radiant Health," "My Walk Through Heaven," "The True Secrets of the Universe," and "The Healing Gift- Defeating Cancer"
Career Accomplishments: Dr. Traub is a cancer survivor, ordained minister in healing and health, and part of the presidential prayer team.